Sunday, December 18, 2005

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Ah, that old Sunday morning ritual, in which I wake at a reasonable hour and spend the rest of the day wondering why I did it. Today is different, however. Today I have a 10am meeting with a potential client. Hard to believe it has been six months since the last time Candle Fish Pictures has done a work for hire gig. I've been in constant production since the last one — first working on LARRY THE CABLE GUY: HEALTH INSPECTOR, then "Melissa With A Heart Around It," then "The History of Pennsylvania." I wouldn't've had time to do a work for hire gig had one come up. We've had a few calls and emails over the past six months, but nothing that has come to fruition. So many ideas for movies, so little money. Of course, even if this new job pans out, work won't begin for some time. We still have another short film slated for the spring.

Hmm. Come to think of it, I can't remember if I've mentioned that here. We're going to be producing a short from up-and-coming auteur Craig Weinstein. I'm really excited about this new collaboration. Craig has Ryan size talent and a unique style. Should be a great film.

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